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Another World

[about 70s] Dear, my 70s

by 연필과종이 2020. 3. 15.


Hi there

I never thought you become 70s. Now, you can not run as fast as I am and you can not eat as much as I can.

You have done many things so far. You had been to 80s countries by cruise and bike and air plane. 

You are still riding your bike and working out and making coffee and food everyday. 

You write your diary every single day and have 5 dogs in your house.

You run and walk and watch movie and read books.

Make music and play the piano for yourself.

You still work with your friends.

Eventhough you are pretty old now, you still have a passion about your life, you always pursue your dream.


*오늘의 'hangout' 과제로 나의 70대에게 쓰는 편지를 한번 써보았어요. 

